L&D for those that need it most.

Kokoon is a skills accelerator designed for early careers, equipping junior talent with core professional skills through continuous learning and coaching.      

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‍91% of GenZ report feeling stressed at work

Feel scared to ask “stupid questions”
Overwhelmed with deadlines and expectations
Navigating the uncertainty of the new hybrid working environment

The existing solutions don't work for early careers or for the business

E-learning courses, which become a chore and are never finished
Dull training days no one pays attention to
Reliant on in-house training, often inconsistent and deprioritised

Empowering Early Careers with Kokoon

A coaching programme focusing on the skills that early careers actually need

A programme designed to support junior talent in gaining confidence, increasing productivity, and improving performance.

Hands-on, practical learning to build key professional skills.

A curriculum covering the essentials in communication, problem solving, project management and career development.

Continuous learning journey through mentoring and  community.

Support and advice for each unique, real-world situation - going beyond just general concepts and theories.

What we offer


Condensed curriculum to fit one day
Bespoke training for your company
Group discussions and live mentoring
We come to your office
Ideal for larger groups


12 week programme with 1hr weekly masterclasses
Inter-company training
Regular 1:1 support, coaching and mentoring
Online (all sessions are live)
Ideal for more flexibility

Designed by experts from the world’s leading companies


One of the best trainings I’ve ever had. Thank you!

Really enjoyed everything, especially  the professionalism and career planning sections.

I really liked the structure and the examples made it really easy to understand!